
The ASQ Chair position is currently vacant and will be filled in the near future.

The Role of ASQ chair/assistant chair

ASQ Board must appoint a chair who shall be responsible for the leadership of the Board.

The ASQ chair has an important role in leading the Board and establishing an environment that enables the Board to achieve its potential and secure the long term success of the organisation.

As part of this leadership role, ASQ chair will:

  • Taking responsibility for the boards composition and development, by engaging overseeing the induction and development of directors.
  • Plan, set and conduct the Board’s agenda;
  • Ensure the involvement and effectiveness of the Board, including how individual directors perform and interact at meetings
  • Ensure that the directors receive accurate, timely and clear information;
  • Ensure that adequate time is available for discussion of all agenda items, in particular strategic issues, and that this time is used productively;
  • Ensure that Board decisions are executed and focused on key tasks;
  • Promote a culture of openness and debate amongst the Board by facilitating the effective contribution of all directors and ensuring constructive relations between executives and directors;
  • Act as a link between the Board and executive, particularly supporting the chief executive/MD
  • Manage conflicts of interest;
  • Take a lead on governance matters; and
  • Set an example in the values and behaviour they adopt, acting at all times in line with the mandatory director’s code that has been agreed by the Board
  • Engaging the board in assessing and improving its performance

The roles of chair and chief executive shall not be exercised by the same individual and the division shall be established in writing and agreed by the Board.